Custom Skateboard Ramp

Aug 10, 2009

We often receive requests to build and custom design skateboard ramps. OC Ramps manufactures and mass produces the ramp sizes we currently carry and specialize- the mini skate ramps as seen on our website. The costs involved to customize specific dimensions and specs are too high. Its not that we can't do it- but the labor and time involved increases the price of those ramps dramatically. On the other hand, we can create custom skateboard ramps based on the dimensions we offer. We can use the ramps we carry and add some cool graphics. Take this ramp (shown below) for example. We can customize the logo- for your band, company, etc. We can then paint the ramp to your wanted colors. This ramp was a sample for a band called, The Aquabats. Feel free to contact us about your own custom skateboard ramp! We can specialize any of our mini ramps, including, our halfpipes and quarterpipes.