Garden Skate Bowl

May 4, 2018

Pasadena, CA

Earlier this year, we were contacted for an extreme project by one of our many awesome customers. First off, projects like this tickles our fancy in many ways. Second, Damien happened to live in the historical district of Pasadena minutes from the Huntington Library. And if you haven't been to the Huntington Library, 10 out of 10 would recommend. Another cool factor about this particular house was back when Albert Einstein was a professor at Cal Tech, he, too, lived on Damien's property in a small house. Ain't that the craziest thing?

So Damien had this idea to stoke his daughter and maybe, even himself, by having us create a bowl in his humble abode. When we got the plans all sorted and we got straight to work in the warehouse. We assembled the bowl corners in the warehouse which took about 3-4 weeks and had to bend the coping prior to assembling it. We decided it be best to bring a welder on-site to make sure our coping was welded smoothly. After everything was fabricated, it was time to get this delivered and assembled! So we loaded up our truck with all our materials and headed out!

When the time came to set it up at his house, we decided to build the skate bowl around the tree he had in his backyard due to it's historical background. I mean, what'd the tree ever do to us? We got all the corners positioned and went ham on the rest of the ramp. We added our finishing skate surface with Skatelite to give it that smooth and strong ride.

A couple months after, our team riders had been dying to ride it. So we hit up Damien to see if he would let us play on the Garden Skate Bowl. And guess what...He was even more excited for us to come out!

We gathered up the team and headed out to Pasadena for an epic session. The team got there and were googly eyed over this beaut. However, some were a little skeptical about the tree being in the middle but they all managed to power around it. Overall, we had a great time shredding this custom piece and had not just one happy customer but also a team of happy riders.

Skate Bowl, Dave Bachinsky, Pasadena, Darkstar, Keystreet, OC Ramps, Custom, Ramp If you have a dream to create a skate bowl in your backyard, front yard, business or etc., we're here to help make that dream a reality. Because remember kids:

You dream it, we build it.