Silicon Valley

A couple months ago, OC ramps had the opportunity to participate in a gig with HBO’s TV show, Silicone Valley. This show aired its first season in April of 2014 and they are currently in the process of filming the second season. The series is a comedy about six younger guys who find a startup company in Silicon Valley. The production team initially contacted us and let us know their needs for a ramp rental, so we designed a custom 32 foot wide mini ramp for them to rent! They also expressed a need for skaters to use on set, and they ended up using 7 of the skaters on our team for the episode. Six of the OC Ramps crew headed up to Burbank in early December to build the ramp in the warehouse that they were shooting at. It took our 20 foot trailer, 10 foot trailer, and all of our truck beds to transport all the wood and supplies we would need to build such a large ramp. The next three days were spent at the location in Burbank constructing the ramp and shooting the episode. We had the opportunity to meet all of the actors, and work behind the scenes while they were filming.