Miami Custom Ramp Addition
This past week a couple of our OC Ramps crew members (owner, Tyler Large, and pro skater Christian ) headed back to Miami to add on to one of our favorite customers custom OC Ramp! Back in October of 2015, we moved our customers ramp from his backyard into his warehouse. This time around we headed back to add on 4 new additions to the ramp! The first addition was a quarterpipe to drop in, going perpendicular to the halfpipe. We ended up placing a 7 foot tall quarter pipe towards the front end of the ramp. We also had to make sure the transition was smooth into the rest of the ramp. The second addition was directly in front of that quarterpipe, where we installed a custom wall-ride. He only had a distance of four feet from the existing ramp to the wall, so it made for a pretty quick transition into the wall ride. The third addition was on the right hand side of the ramp, where we added in a 4 foot tall extension with one additional foot of vert. To make things a little bit more unique, instead of putting a normal round coping on the top, we put an angle iron coping edge instead. 20 feet of the entire width of the ramp is now 9 feet tall, and 8 feet of it is 7 feet tall. The last addition was on the left side of the ramp, where he wanted to add a two foot tall extension. This brought this section from 5 feet tall to 7 feet tall. We had to match the pre-existing extension that was already there. Check out the photo's of the new additions. We had a rad time installing everything, and our customer was stoked with the outcome!