Music, Skating & Beer. Name a better trio, please. We’ll wait!
The second annual Shredfest taking place in gorgeous Los Angeles, California at the infamous Pink Motel back in May 2022. Talk about an epic location to throw an event!! With all the nostalgic history and being an iconic skate destination since the early 1970s!
Shredfest includes a huge variety of rad bands, vendors of all kinds with yummy food & delish drinks. Cannot forget the invitational triple contest with pro’s, legends and of course a mini ramp all for a cash prize!
The main announcers for the triple contest was the well known wild legends Andy Roy & Dave Duncan, man can these guys be a crazy combo of fun!
Photo Credit - Shawna - LLA Skate
One of our team riders, Christopher Hiett was able to make the invitational jam on the 8ft wide mini ramp course - you know he showed some rad skating tricks to wow the crowd!
Photo Credit - Shawna - LLA Skate
The line up of talent included many local skateboarders, pictured is James Azpeitia
Photo Credit - Shawna - LLA Skate
Another great skater, pictured if Dalton Dern
Photo Credit - Shawna - LLA Skate
It was great to see some new & familiar faces for the contest, pictured are local talented skaters with Andy Anderson, Dezmin Lane, and AJ Nelson.
Photo Credit - Shawna - LLA Skate
We love seeing our ramps used for not only private residences but also competitions that showcase skilled riders of all ages & walks of life.