New Skate Rails now available!
There have been so many requests over the years for custom skate and grind rails. We've listened and now are offered new rails! The designs came from our pro sponsored skate team - of what they like to skate and ride at skate parks an contests. These skate rails are the most basic and fundamental obstacles to skating. Take a look below at what we currently carry and order today!
See Pro Skater, Josh Hawkins, weld and skate the best skate rails in the industry.
Below is the 12' long round rail. It is adjustable and can be modified from 12 inches to 16 inches.
The Flat to Bank rail. Its a wallie/poejam/flat/roundrail all in one!
The red 6' long flat rail. Your standard and basic rail that every skater needs.
The 3' Pole Jam. Amazing and simple.
The 6' flat rail add-on. This can be placed on any of our Grind Boxes.
Lastly, we have the combo package. A Grind Box, Rail-Add-On and Curb Kicker kit all in one. The ultimate skate box/rail package!