Building a Mini Ramp with Skateboarding Santa

Jan 12, 2023

It’s the most wonderful time of the year at OC Ramps Headquarters!

Let’s go on a ridealong with Skateboarding Santa out to Los Angeles, California & watch him build a sweet little mini ramp for one lucky little kid!! Listen carefully boys & girls as Santa explains the process of building one of our easy kits. Yes, you guessed it - he’s giving out those delightful little tips + tricks that help make for a continuous smooth installation.

This How To tutorial with Santa goes over to easily unload a pallet full of stacked material to laying out the pieces and organizing the process so it flows like clockwork when it’s go time! Our step by step instruction booklet does come with pictures however watching Santa just makes it more fun! From inserting the screw hardware to the radius pieces with just enough entry to hit the 2x4 supports, you're now ready to start putting together the framework. The best tip Santa shares is a fairly common question about elevating your halfpipe by using concrete pavers and minor adjustments with wooden shims to achieve that perfect balance.

Hope you enjoyed the installation with Skateboarding Santa from start to finish & watching him shredding the gorgeous 12 ft wide halfpipe topped with buttery smooth yet weatherproof Skatelite panel sheets!  From the entire staff at OC Ramps we want to wish you, your family and friends a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We hope we can make 2023 another memorable year by making more skaters of all wheels, dreams come true!