EA Skate 4
Burbank, California
EA, one of the largest gaming companies, reached out to us regarding an upcoming project. Their director had worked with us in the past and had recommended OC Ramps again for this particular project. They had called us mentioning that they are doing a commercial teaser for Skate 4 which is one of the most popular skateboard games in history. It has been a little over a decade since their last Skate game has come out and many fans have been chomping at the bit to have EA release this version. The teaser was to show fans that EA was in the process of working on Skate 4 and that it will be coming out.
The teaser would be filmed in their studio which is located in Burbank, California - just north of Los Angeles. In essence, they had a certain perimeter of space to work with which was roughly 40 ft wide by 60 ft long. They were wanting to fill the space with different skateboard obstacles such as a Quarter Pipe with a Manny Pad, Grind Box, Rails, and so on. We were also asked to build a platform for these skate ramps and rails to go on top of in order to protect the studio’s carpet and flooring.
Prior to arrival to the studio, our installation team had to provide evidence of negative COVID tests within the 24 hours leading up to the installation date. Just as with our other studio projects, we were limited with time to get everything assembled. We knew that we had to act fast and be calculated with our process. We were the first crew to be onsite on the day of assembly out of all the trades. In order to save on time, we did our team huddle beforehand at our warehouse rather than onsite. We had a crew of about six guys, and everyone knew exactly what they were to be doing for this project. As soon as we put the truck into park everyone hopped out and got to work. As a business, we are looking to impress in quality and service. We were immediately getting complements by producers and the director of how great the ramps looked. They loved the way that the colors which they had requested had turned out and were happy to see that once everything had been installed the space looked bigger than what they anticipated.
The hurdle for us was that this is typically a pretty small space even though it does sound like a lot. From a skateboarding standpoint, we felt that the space was considerably tight still. Due to this, we did spend a few extra minutes to maneuver the ramps and ensure that everything was skateable. We had Tom Ryen, one of our pro skaters and builders, take several runs to test the Quarter Pipe, Manny Pad, Ledge, and Rail. We wanted to be able to leave the facility knowing that were 100% comfortable with the layout within the space and how the products were set up.
Production then filmed the following day with their own hired talent of skateboarders and called us that same evening to disassemble the ramps and flooring. This next day of disassembling was a really busy day for our team as half of our crew was already out in the area building the addition to Avril and ModSun’s ramp. They had finished this by mid-afternoon and headed straight to the EA production studio for the disassembly of the overall setup. It was a long and exciting day to say the least.
EA recently released the commercial. We will have to wait and see when this new Skate 4 game is released! According to EA they're working on it.