The beginning of March generally means it's time to get out and shred. When it comes that time, previous customers tend to hit us up for a little TLC for their ramps and we were hit up by some pretty big names you may have heard of..like the one and only Britney Spears and also the owner of DC Shoes, Damon Way. They coincidentally hit us up again for a minor upgrade to both of their 12' wide half-pipes by adding a layer of ,our personal favorite, Skatelite PRO. So, with them both being somewhat neighbors, we booked their installs back to back for a day of fun in the sun! That day we woke up at the crack of dawn, had a big bowl of Wheaties and headed to our first stop in Calabasas to visit the queen of pop's humble abode. As soon as we showed up, we were escorted by security to her backyard. Her 12' half-pipe was set up so it overlooked her stunning property and you could even see into her heated pool and tennis court.

After we stopped drooling over her beautiful home, we got to work and started applying the layer of Skatelite PRO and painted the radius red. Once we were finished, we packed up and headed on through the mountain pass to Malibu where Damon Way and his family were building a new home on his gorgeous property. Previously, he had purchased a 12' half-pipe and built it himself but just felt it needed that premium upgrade. So he too, added Skatelite PRO to his half-pipe.

We got straight to the install and finished up promptly so the kids could shred. Now the Way family will have a great looking half-pipe to go with their new stylish home.

If you feel it's time for an upgrade to your ramp, feel free to
contact us so we can spice up your skate life. Because remember kids...
You dream it, we build it.