Steve Terry, the owner of
aleeda wetsuits, has been a long time customer of OC Ramps. He first purchased a ramp from us over 10 years ago! The ramp is a
custom design, and is 16 feet wide, 4 feet tall and has two six foot extensions. We have been servicing his ramp since the initial installation every few years. Normally, the servicing consists of resurfacing the ramp with fresh plywood and reapplying skatepaint to the surfaces. Due to the close proximity to the beach, the ramp had damage and holes in it from rain and the saltwater in the air. This time around, Steve wanted to take the ramp to the next level by adding
skatelite to the surface. The OC Ramps crew repaired the holes in the ramp with plywood, and then surfaced the ramp with skatelite. Once you add skatelite to a ramp,
skatepaint is no longer required to the skating surface, but it is still added to the rest of the surfaces. Check out the pictures of Steve's rad HB setup.