10th Annual Ramptober
Santa Ana, California
Fresh fall vibes, the smell of carved pumpkins & massive candy piles only means ONE thing to us, RAMPTOBER!!!!

Stoked to celebrate our 10th Annual Ramptober in our new warehouse on October 20th, 2018. Kicking off the party in 90's hip hop attire everyone was dressed to impress!!

With familiar faces & plenty of new friends joining the fun we were pumped to throw another party to showcase of course our RAMPS!!

We also had the pleasure to host Orange County Harley Davidson at our event with tons of giveaways for the crowd! Here's one lucky skate deck winner!

Tiny fingerboard skate decks?! Yes, we even had a mini skate park for our fingerboard friends too!! Lots of giveaways sponsored by Black River Ramps

Some of our professional skate team members made it to the party in style; Jordan Hoffart, Greg Lutzka, Austen Coburn, Mike Berdis & many more!! Pictured is Nick Palmquist, team videographer Lando & boss man Tyler aka T Money!!

Also Christian Sereika & girlfriend Sloane aka JLo & Diddy made an epic appearance.

Oh snap, is that Eminem at our party!!!! Hahah, just kidding it's Donnie our CNC operator along with amazing girlfriend Nancy & to the right friends Chery & Kyle TerBush.

The delightful & magical blondes aka Twins Next Door!

Bumpin' hard to some tunes Lando & foxy girlfriend Ashley

To help raise the roof on the hip hop vibe we had some live performances including rapper Bale

Also live performance by T.F

As the music beats hit hard on the amps, our skaters were hittin the ramps even higher! Pictured- skater Isiah Hilt

Some happy fans pictured with rappers Bale & T.F.

We wanna give a shout out & a huge thank you to everyone that was able to make our 10th Annual Ramptober!

Until next party friends, peace out yo!