Skatepaint Reviews & Feedback

Skatepaint has gained a lot of popularity over the years. Many companies have tried to copy that wonderful formula- but its simply too unique. OC RAMPS has been the main distributor for Skatepaint since 2006. For the past four years, we've shipped tens of thousands of gallons all over the world. Many people that want to build a skateboard ramp need some way to protect the wood. Skatelite is a product several pro skaters use- which is a plywood sheet that includes plastics and phenolic resins to make sure the wood doesn't bubble or warp for several years. The setback is that Skatelite costs anywhere between $145-200 USD per sheet! That can add up quickly if you have a big half pipe or vert ramp to cover. Even for skateboarders that use Skatelite on their ramps, they regularly use Skatepaint to coat the first layer of plywood (under the Skatelite), sides of the ramps, top deck, etc. With the quantity that we've sold, we have had numerous positive Skatepaint reviews and feedback. Like anywhere on the worldwide web, there probably exists 2-3 complaints of Skatepaint in certain skate discussion forums. One thing those discussion boards fail to mention is the quality wood those skaters used. Particle board is junk! Skatepaint will work on any type of wood. Be weary that Skatepaint will not protect the extremely cheap plywood/cardboard material like particle wood. Is Skatepaint a scam? Ask the thousands of customers worldwide. I don't think it would become such a popular product based upon a scheme. Disney channel's program Zeke and Luther is a TV show about kids riding skateboards. Disney is a frequent Skatepaint customer. They use it on all the skate ramps they build on set. Skatepaint has also been used by many pro skateboarders such as Andy MacDonald and Ryan Sheckler. Click the link to view more information about Skatepaint. Our website has a section of 20 questions and answers about the incredible product.