Pilot Automotive is an electronics company based in California that has been in business for 30 plus years. The company contacted us because they were going to do a booth at CES Las Vegas 2017 and they wanted their booth to stand out! Their focus for this CES was their 360 action sports camera. Pilot figured that having a couple skateboarders on a ramp would be a super rad way to separate themselves from the other boring electronic booths. We met with pilot several times during the months leading up to CES (which took place in January). They wanted to come to our warehouse to see the product and to check out the skateboarders in action.
However, they did have a couple concerns: the size of the ramp, and the safety of the skateboarders and the crowd, and making customized branding of the ramp with their name and logo. Once we determined which ramp we were going to work with and any customization needed, we drew up blueprints and mapped out the sizing they would need for banners, stickers and the custom wrap for their ramp. They ended up going with an eight foot wide three foot tall and 21 foot long halfpipe. Tom Tom and Christian were the hired skateboard talent that would perform every day for the four day CES event. They would not only skateboard, but hype up the crowd, pass out t-shirts.. and handle their big giveaway.. Cameras! Throughout the day they would often get complaints from the neighboring booths and the CES staff, that the pilot booth was drawing too much attention and making too much noise…. That is a problem you WANT to have at your tradeshow!! At several points there were several hundred people crowded around the booth watching the skateboarders and waiting for a camera giveaway! Pilot has been in business for 30 years and they said they have never had a more successful booth at any tradeshow they have done! Once the event was over, the OC Ramps staff was there to disassemble the ramp and return it back to CA. If you have a trade show coming up and set yourself apart from the crowd.. Contact OC Ramps for your ramp rental needs!