Beach Streets Event with Diamond

This past weekend, Long Beach held their second annual "Beach Streets" event. The city closes down around four miles of the city and opens up the streets for walking, biking, skating and socializing to help promote a more active lifestyle. Diamond has a store down there, and so they got a spot on the street and wanted us to set up some ramps and bring out some skaters.
TJ Rogers, Cody McEntire, and Taylor and Trevor McClung came out to the event and were skating the obstacles we brought out. We brought out the 4 foot quarterpipe, a custom 16 foot round rail, one of our 12 foot butter benches, two of our 6 foot butter benches, a manny, bump to rail, and the custom bump to three that we recently built for rampotober. Tons of people came out to check out the event, and to free skate the set up. It was an awesome event and we can't wait until next years!